Happy New Year!

I know its been four days after the New Year but I just want to tell everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope that 2017 is going to be a good year for everyone and I also hope that 2016 was also a good year for everyone too. So on New Years Eve I was in the movie theater watching Rouge One. The movie was good an all but it wasn’t my favorite star wars movie. I got out of the movie theater at 11:00 with my dad. I went back to my dads house (the reason why my dad and my mom have different houses is because they are divorced) ate dinner and played some trash ball. It a game where you have to bags one is wide and the other bag is small. So you have a water bottle and if you throw the water bottle and it lands in the wide one you get 10 points and if you sore the water bottle in the small bag you get 20 points and I won. The final score was 120 to 130.


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